In Her Shoes

  • March 13, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • PSA Financial - 11311 McCormick Rd., Ste 500, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 - Potomac Room


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Exploring the Landscape of and Opportunities for Women's Giving

As we plan for the largest transfer of wealth in U.S. history, the role of women in philanthropy cannot be ignored. Estimates suggest that women will inherit around 70% of intergenerational wealth transfers in the coming decades. Additionally, studies have shown that women's wealth and earning power are increasing globally, In this session, we'll look at the factors that shape women's philanthropy, the differences between women and men as donors from cultivation to stewardship, and how we can effectively and deeply engage women in supporting our organizations.

Featured Speaker

Natalie Sherman

Natalie Sherman is the Head of Wealth Planning at &Wealth, a boutique financial advisory and investment management firm for a select group of women who are managing major life events and their own finances for the first time. Before joining &Wealth, Natalie had an almost 30-year career as an estates and trusts lawyer at nationally and regionally recognized firms. An honors graduate of both the University of Virginia and Harvard Law School, over the course of her career Natalie has counseled a diverse range of clients, including entrepreneurs, professionals and business owners, and multiple generations of wealthy families, creating sophisticated and customized plans that are also practical and understandable.

Natalie has also been engaged with the Baltimore non-profit and philanthropic communities for over 25 years. She has served on the Boards of and in leadership roles with the Baltimore School for the Arts, Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School, University System of Maryland Foundation, Associated Catholic Charities of Maryland, and the Chesapeake Planned Giving Council.


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